Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Stop. Write up house rules so we're armed with documentary evidence that foster kids have been forewarned of what's expected of them. Field calls from the social worker(s). We have a kid coming Wednesday. No, Friday. No, the following Monday. Okay, forget it, we'll just wait until the court date on the 30th and then the biological parents can't just come and yank them out.

Christmas party on the 22nd for work. Cool. Christmas party for the Humane Society, also on the 22nd. Crap. Christmas party for work moved to the 29th. Cool. Christmas party for the Humane Society also moved, also to the 29th. Crap.

No gift for The Wife yet. Double crap. Coworker offers to pick up the items I need since he lives where they are and I can't sneak away. Cool. Major bills come in for propane and the vet. Double crap. Dog breaks remaining good lower front tooth. Cat sick. Triple and quadruple crap.

Exhausting days at work. Crap. Company coming this weekend. Crap. Only Mom and Dad. Cool. Still have to clean. Crap.

Not much time to blog lately. Crap. More time and more material after the new year. Double cool.

Merry Christmas, in case I don't get around to saying it later.


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